Photography is one of the most effective resources for transmitting messages. Conservation projects around the world use photography as a tool to build bonds between projects and the general public. However, most projects do not count with proper visual material to support their cause. This is due to several causes, such as the lack of resources and/or a wildlife photography crew.

This is the reason why ExSitu was born. It is as an initiative that looks to create a free-access photo bank. Photos that can be used by both organizations and people involved in conservation projects, environmental education, and science, especially those focused on South and Central America species. ExSitu is an extension of the projects developed by the Tropical Herping organization. It consists of a non-profit project, where the production of photographic material depends on donations from public and private entities, as well as from strategic alliances with rescue centers, zoos, and researchers worldwide.

We want your project to be known and we believe that showing the incredible diversity of an animal’s forms and colors helps the projects get the attention they deserve.